Discovering Villa Abate Barbieri Verson: guided tour

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, get ready to experience a unique adventure among the enchanting Euganean Hills! We invite you to explore Villa Abate Barbieri Verson, a place rich in charm and culture. This ancient residence tells the story of our family and the inspiring presence of the famous poet Giuseppe Barbieri.

As you stroll through the garden, orchard, and vineyard, you’ll be immersed in an atmosphere where nature, art, and history intertwine. On the noble floor of the Villa, you’ll discover six elegant rooms with stucco decorations and frescoes, each revealing a unique aspect of the Verson family.

Among the highlights of the visit, you’ll have the chance to meet Silvia Cappellozza, Research Director at the Centro di Ricerca Agricoltura e Ambiente – Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics – Gelsibachicoltura Laboratory in Padua, and Dr. Diana Mantegazza, coordinator of the educational activities for the Aracne project.

Spaces are limited: only 20 people per tour. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Reservations required at:

We look forward to seeing you!


Discovering Villa Abate Barbieri Verson: guided tour